Labels:book | bulletin board | hakham | handbag | person | suitcase OCR: Aquarias Winden lernes Rada Coromo Keemi Calt MacDomot (ns performed hy The Fith Dimeneton) Whor the meen tsin the Seventh Hcuse And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peaco will guide the plenets And will Steerthe stars Thie icthe aswning ofthe 0 Aquarius Age ot Aqaoris janenby Aquarias! Harmony and understanding Sympathy arid trust abounding No more ralsohooss Gnlden living dreame OF fvisions Mystic erystol revelation And the mind's tus liberation Aquar us! "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" The 5th Dimension Aquaris Jemes gada Corome MacDomct Finh Woor mcen assir Seventi Jupier aliens Thon 40008 wrill deer dewnine Aqaarius Aquartos Harmont underrta andine oboundi falsehooais dosone Golder visinne Mvatic crystol Andi lberstior Aquoriue